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Remind: Life Teen High School
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Something for Everyone!
Note: Volunteers in all ministries involving contact with youth must complete the required background checks which include Volunteer Select Form [(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)] for everyone over the age of 18 in addition to VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Activities (Youth & Adults) - This ministry has included social events such as ski trips, lock-ins, laser tag, Extreme Bowling and more. Adults and youth are needed to coordinate these events. The Diocese requires background checks:
Volunteer Select Form [(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)] and VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Time commitment: Planning meetings (as needed) and one event.
Contact: Renee Reisenweaver
Youth Board (Youth) - This is for committed Middle and High School Youth who would like their voices to be heard by the parish. Commitment is once a month for a meeting to help decide the direction of Youth Ministry and plan social events and evaluate current RE/Faith Formation platforms. Expectation is for attendance at major youth ministry events.
Retreats (Youth & Adults) - Diocesan retreat opportunities such as Discovery, Christian Awakening and other possible parish retreats need to be planned by those interested in this area. The Diocese requires background checks: Volunteer Select Form
[(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)]
and VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Time commitment: Planning meetings (as needed) and one event.
Contact: Renee Reisenweaver
Redeemer Service Corps (Youth & Adults) - This ministry, a service to our parish and community, is currently inactive but could resume if it has leadership. Small teams of youth and adults are assigned projects, which may include (but limited to) minor home maintenance (yard work, winterizations, painting, etc.), our church or other needs in the area. This ministry is intended for youth (grades 6 -12) and adults, but entire families are welcome to participate.The Diocese requires background checks: Volunteer Select Form [(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)]
and VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Time commitment: In the past, there was a workday one Saturday a month from September thru May. On occasion, there may be special projects that need help from this ministry.
Contact: Renee Reisenweaver
Work Camp (Youth & Adults) - Summer work camp experiences are a tremendous way for Sr. Youth (9th – 12th grade) and adults to live out the gospel. Redeemer is involved in the Diocesan Work Camps and Catholic Heart Work Camps. The Diocese requires background checks: Volunteer Select Form [(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)]
and VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry. This ministry is in need of volunteer planners & coordinators.
Time commitment: One informational meeting in the fall, fundraising events as needed, 1-2 organizational meeting(s) and one full week in the following summer.
Lead Catechists Middle School - Confirmed Catholics are needed to teach Faith Formation sessions on Sunday mornings. Session dates and topics will already be chosen. Participation in and the completion of the diocesan catechist training Pathways program is required. The Diocese requires background checks: Volunteer Select Form[(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)] and VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry. Time commitment: 12 sessions, September- April, Sunday at 11:15am-12:30pm.
Life Teen Core Team - We need volunteers to help plan and execute our high school youth group meetings on Sunday nights. The Diocese requires background checks: Volunteer Select Form [(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)] and VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry. Time commitment: 12 sessions, September- April, Sunday at 6:00pm-8:00pm and planning sessions as needed.
Sunday Suppers - We need volunteers who are willing to help prepare and serve dinner at our Sunday night Life Teen sessions. We have use of the Redeemer kitchen but ask if possible to prepare dishes off site. Life Nights are 6-8pm on Sunday nights. Please use Signup genius to see dates and items needed.
Confirmation Sponsors (Adults & 11th-12th grade Youth) - Assist Confirmation candidates in need of a sponsor through faith sharing and discussion.The Diocese requires background checks: Volunteer Select Form [(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)] and VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Time commitment: Individual meetings with candidate to be determined by you and the candidate. Attend the Sunday portion of the Confirmation Retreat and the actual Confirmation Mass in the spring.
Contact: Renee Reisenweaver
Confirmation Team - Facilitate faith-sharing communities of Confirmation candidates. The Diocese requires background checks: Volunteer Select Form [(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)] and VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Time commitment: 6 sessions, Confirmation retreat, and one planning meeting per session
Contact: Renee Reisenweaver
Choir (Senior Youth and Adults) - This ministry is for those willing to share their gift of song regularly at Liturgy. Sight-reading not necessary.
Time commitment: Rehearsal are Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., September to June and one seasonal Saturday rehearsal. Members can choose the Liturgy at which they sing and this may change from week to week.
Contact: Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Redeemer Ringers (Adult and Senior Youth) - Adults and youth (grades 9-12) interested in ringing handbells at Liturgies during the year. Training is provided.
Time Commitment: Rehearsals are Thursdays 7:15 p.m. - 8:45 p.m., September - June and seasonal Saturday rehearsals.
Contact: Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Children & Youth Choir - Youth (6th - 12th) singers & instrumentalists who are interested in learning more about music and what role it has in liturgy. There will be opportunities to participate at Mass throughout the year, including Youth Masses.
Time commitment: Rehearsals are Mondays, 5:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. September - May
Contact:Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Youth Instrumentalist (Jr. & Sr. Youth) - Instrumentalists (grades 6-12) who are interested in sharing their musical gifts at liturgy. There will be opportunities to participate at Mass throughout the year, including Youth Masses.
Time commitment: Rehearsals are Mondays, 5:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. September - May
Contact: Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Children’s R.E.
Preschool Assistants - Assist adult leaders with preschool & kindergarten classes 10:00 Mass on a rotating schedule
Time commitment: 1 or 2 Masses per month
Human Concerns
CARITAS - Redeemer hosts homeless men, women and children for one week each year. Volunteers provide hospitality, meals, and laundry service. Volunteers can work with others to provide a dinner meal or assist in the making of lunches for our guests to take with them during the day.
Time commitment: Depending on volunteer choice, typically one evening during the week.
Contact: Diane Atkins,746-4911 ext. 2222
Haiti Ministry - Volunteers to this ministry stand in solidarity with the women and children of A.F.A.L. in Haiti. Redeemer volunteers organize the Haiti Yard Sale each September, and have the opportunity to travel to Haiti during the year – typically two trips are offered each year – one in the Spring and one in the Fall. Ministry volunteers meet once a month to focus on the needs of this ministry.
Time commitment: Varies
Contact: Diane Atkins,746-4911 ext. 2222
No Room at the Inn - This ministry organizes the annual display of Nativities as a fund-raiser for housing needs in Haiti and locally. Volunteers are needed the week before the event for set up, the day of to assist visitors and the last day for take down. No Room is the first full weekend in December.
Time commitment: Varies from 1 hour to a whole weekend based on volunteer commitment.
Contact: Diane Atkins,746-4911 ext. 2222
ACCENT - Individuals interested in enhancing the environment for worship during the Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter seasons and Ordinary Time. Anyone with ideas and a willingness to work can join. (You do not have to be an artist.)
Time commitment: Variable
Contact: Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Altar Servers - Children and youth who have received First Communion are invited to assist at liturgies. One training session is required and senior Altar Servers mentor new members.
Time commitment: One liturgy every one to two months.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Youth volunteers work with adult leaders, using materials provided ,to share the Sunday Scriptures with elementary school children, helping them to hear and understand God’s Word in an age-appropriate manner. Attendance at one training sessions in August is required. The Diocese requires background checks: Volunteer Select Form [(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)] and VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Time commitment: Approximately one hour per month, ½ hour planning and ½ hour at the assigned liturgy.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (10th – 12th) - Confirmed Catholics are welcome to serve in this ministry to the parish by distributing the Eucharist at liturgy. Training is provided. Participation in ministry formation classes is required. .
Time commitment: Usually one or two weekend liturgies per month or as needed.
Contact: Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Lectors - Ministers proclaim God’s Word at liturgy. Training is provided. Ministers need to be committed to serving on this ministry when assigned or make appropriate contacts to ensure coverage.
Time commitment: Every six - eight weeks including time to prepare and reflect on readings for your scheduled liturgy.
Contact: Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Linens - Volunteers are needed to launder and iron altar linens and towels.
Time commitment: Two one-week commitments per year.
Contact: Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Nursery Workers - Youth and adults are asked to care for children ages 6 months to 3 years during Liturgy. Guidelines are provided. The Diocese requires background checks: Volunteer Select Form [(English PDF) (Spanish PDF)]
and VIRTUS training for everyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Time commitment: Once a month for 90 minutes.
Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Processional Cross Bearer - Volunteers carry the Cross in the procession at the beginning and end of liturgy.
Time commitment: Approximately once a month at the Liturgy you attend.
Contact: Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Sound - Volunteers operate the sound board during liturgies. Training will be provided.
Time commitment: Approximately once a month at the Liturgy you attend and an occasional training session.
Contact: Erin Woods, 746-4911 ext. 2215
Ushers/Greeters - Responsibilities include greeting parishioners and assisting the community at the Liturgy you attend.
Time commitment: Approximately one liturgy every other month
Mike Marchelletta, 559-0936
Parish Life
Baker’s Dozen - Bake cookies and provide refreshments for parish receptions.
Time commitment: As needed
Baptism Receptions - Teams are needed at each Mass on Baptism weekends to prepare, serve & clean up refreshments.
Time commitment: 1½ hours per reception, at your choice of Mass
Good News (Newsletter) - Parishioners are invited to write articles for the parish newsletter.
Time commitment: The Good News is published once a month and articles are submitted on the 10th of the previous month of publication (i.e., Apr. 10th for the May issue).