Preschool/Kindergarten - Classes for ages 3 through K meet during the 10:00 Mass beginning September.
Grades K-5 - Classes meet Sundays, 8:30-9:45 AM, and Mondays, 4:15-5:30 PM and 6:00-7:15 PM, beginning with a parent/child kick-off in September.
Home-School - Parents who desire to teach their elementary children at home, or who are not able to attend the weekday parish-based programs, may choose to home-teach their child. (Parents who home-school are encouraged to participate in PATHWAYS, the diocesan catechist certification program.)
Family-based programs - These programs include adults and children of all ages, meeting twice a month with a small group of other families.
- Families of students enrolled must be registered parishioners.
- Complete the online registration form or return registration and parent response forms by August 31. No phone registrations will be taken.
- Rosters will be prepared and classes filled in the order that registrations are received.
- Registration will be closed September 1 - 30 while class rolls are finalized.
- Once a class has been filled, it is closed. Additional sections of a grade level will be opened if catechists and space are available.
Please note: Although it is never too late to register your child, it benefits the entire program when you return your registrations on or before the deadline. Space is limited - to ensure your choice of sessions we urge you to complete the registration forms soon - this week if possible - so that you don’t forget.
Late Registrations: If you do need to register late, you will need to come into the office. If classroom preparations have already been made you will be responsible for ensuring that materials are prepared for your child.
Children in 2nd grade and older are invited to prepare for First Reconciliation and First Communion. By diocesan policy, participation in these preparation programs is separate from and in addition to enrollment in elementary religious education classes.
The fee schedule is as follows: Preschool and Elementary students $30 per child. 6th-12th grade $30 per child. Sacramental fees are $20 each for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, and $80 for the Confirmation retreat. They can be paid by mailing or delivering a check payable to "Church of the Redeemer" to the church office, or online through the E-Giving program.
Our programs cannot exist without YOU! Obviously, our first need is for Catechists. Catechists have the opportunity to grow in their faith in wonderful ways as they prepare and share with the children and youth of our parish. It is an exciting, challenging, and rewarding ministry. The diocesan catechist certification program, Pathways, is offered to assist catechists in developing their skills. We encourage you to consider this ministry!
Another opportunity for you to consider is being an Assistant. (Diocesan policy requires us to have two VIRTUS-trained adults with each group.)There is no major preparation time needed for this role.
There are many other needs in the program as well. We expect that every parent can do something! Our programs are better and stronger with your involvement. There are ways to help even if you cannot make a long- term commitment. Please study our needs on the “Ways to Help” sheet and make your response on your Parent Response form.
Grades K-5 - Parent/Child Kick-off Sessions during the regularly scheduled class times the week in late September.