Facebook - Redeemer Elementary Families - a page of resources and connections for families
Catholic Brain - Catholic Brain offers over 5000 video lessons, ebooks, interactive games, quizzes & more, and during this crisis you can get a 30-day free trial!
Catholic Icing - If you’re looking for Catholic craft ideas for kids, this is the place! Lacey, a Catholic mother of 4, posts simple crafts, recipes, and hands-on ideas to bring Christian fun to families on the internet for free.
Catholic Mom - Lots of resources for everyone in the family, including podcasts and prayer services
Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Check this Youtube channel each week for a video of a complete Children’s Liturgy of the Word service.
Family and Faith Summer Kit - an easy-to-use resource exploring 8 themes such as praise, thankfulness, grace, and service, each featuring a saint, a connection to Catholic faith and life, activities, and a prayer.
Pop-Up Catechesis! - a series of one-minute videos with bite-size suggestions for how to make faith alive in the home
Blessed by Having Less - cleaning out our closets and drawers as a spiritual practice
Singing Hymns - One great way to teach children about their Catholic faith is to introduce them to Catholic hymns!
Praying a Novena - learn about this traditional practice, and then see above to pray the Holy Spirit Novena
Taking It to Heart - Joe shares why it is important to help your child "take to heart" (memorize) traditional teachings of our faith
Get to Know Your Bible - suggestions for helping your child get to know the Bible better - Click here to print the Bible bookmarks.
"I'll Light a Candle for You" - a guide to intercessory prayer (praying for the needs of others)
Stories of the Saints
Teaching Traditional Prayers - sharing these "family heirlooms" of our Church
Sharing Faith on Social Media - check out Joe's ideas, and send me anything you come up with for sharing - I'll add it to our Redeemer Elementary page!
Family Rituals - simple family rituals for morning, meals, bedtime, and special family times
The "Finding God Everywhere" Game - a new version of the Easter Egg hunt!
May Crowning - An outline for a simple home service - If you don't have a statue of Mary, you can find an image online to print and place a small bouquet.
Praying the Rosary as a Family - Visit Catechist's Journey for resources to help you get to know the Rosary better.
Creating a Prayer Space in Your Home
Reading the Bible as a Family - A look at how to read the Bible together with a focus on the Scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday
Praying at Mealtime
Observing the Liturgical Calendar - Mark all time as belonging to God by celebrating the feasts, seasons, & saints of the Church’s liturgical year.
Strong Catholic Family Faith - A wide collection of resources that are specific to the coronavirus stay at home orders: how to keep the Sabbath holy at home, talking to your children about the coronavirus, faith formation resources, and much more, such as a weekly Children’s Liturgy video, and a cartoons for the Sunday readings
Sunday Connection (Loyola Press) Sunday Connection provides useful background and activities to better understand the upcoming Sunday's Scripture readings, helping you to connect the Scripture to daily life in a meaningful way.
Teaching Catholic Kids - (Our Sunday Visitor) Free downloadable activities and articles are updated each week. Sign up for the weekly newsletter here and get these resources sent straight to your inbox. Click here for a free digital copy of the May issue of Take Home: Family Faith on the Go, including a poster about the Holy Spirit, why Mom's need Mary, and a kids' page about John Paul II
Weekly Gospel Questions for Families - child-centered questions for each week's Gospel. There are several for each week, so you could have one a day!
Worship@Home (Growing Up Catholic from the Pastoral Center) - These simple worship services are created for families to use at home. They include instructions, prayer, video, readings, everything you need to celebrate each Sunday at home.