Altar Servers (Children & Youth)
Children and Youth are needed to assist at liturgies. Must have received First Eucharist. One training session is required and senior Altar Servers mentor new members.
Time commitment: One liturgy every one to two months. |
Contact: Tina Maxson
ACCENT (Youth & Adults)
Individuals interested in enhancing the environment for worship during the Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter seasons and Ordinary Time. Anyone with ideas and a willingness to work can join. (You do not have to be an artist.)
Time commitment: Variable.
Contact: Erin Woods
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Youth and Adults)
Volunteers use materials provided to share the Sunday Scriptures with elementary school children, helping them to hear and understand God’s Word in an age-appropriate manner. Attendance at one training sessions in August is required. The Diocese requires background checks for anyone over the age of 16 and VIRTUS training for anyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Time commitment: Approximately one hour per month, ½ hour planning and ½ hour at the assigned liturgy.
Contact: Kate Chittum
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the parish by distributing the Eucharist at liturgy. Training is provided. Participation in ministry formation classes is required. Confirmed Catholics are welcome to serve in this ministry.
Time commitment: Usually one or two weekend liturgies per month or as needed.
Contact: Mike Stank
Ministers proclaim God’s Word at liturgy. Training is provided. Ministers need to be committed to serving on this ministry when assigned or make appropriate contacts to ensure coverage. Confirmed Catholics are welcome to serve in this ministry.
Time commitment: Every six - eight weeks including time to prepare and reflect on readings for your scheduled liturgy.
Contact: Paula Otto for 5:30 and 8:00 Masses and Martha O'Keefe for the 10:00 Mass
Parishioners to launder and iron altar linens and towels.
Time commitment: Two one-week commitments per year.
Contact: Ellen Schmidt 746-0656
Nursery Workers (Youth & Adults)
Youth and adults are asked to care for children ages 6 months to 3 years during Liturgy. Guidelines are provided. The Diocese requires background checks for anyone 16 or older and VIRTUS training for anyone 18 or older. All families who utilize the nursery are encouraged to volunteer.
Time commitment: Once a month for 90 minutes.
Contact: Erin Woods
Processional Cross Bearer (Senior Youth & Adults)
Strong persons to carry the Cross in the procession at the beginning and end of liturgy.
Time commitment: Approximately once a month at the Liturgy you attend
Contact: Erin Woods
Sound (Senior Youth and Adults)
Parishioners interested in working the sound board during liturgies. Training will be provided.
Time commitment: Approximately once a month at the Liturgy you attend and an occasional training session.
Contact: Erin Woods
Ushers/Greeters (Youth & Adults)
Responsibilities include greeting parishioners and assisting the community at the Liturgy you attend.
Time commitment: One liturgy every other month
Contact: Mike Marchelletta