FAQs for Pathways: Delivered
1. How is Catechist Certification Achieved?
Pathways: Delivered is a three-part, tiered system for Catechist Certification in the Diocese of
Level One Catechist: A beginning catechist or religion teacher for children, youth, and adult
completes introductory training on becoming a catechist via the Catholic Faith Technologies
LEARN portal found at http://learn.richmonddiocese.org
• Vocation of the Catechist
• Catholic Approach to Scripture
• Catholic Tradition
Level Two Catechist: A catechist or religion teacher who has already been serving for a year,
and completes a methods training (best practices, teaching strategies, common challenges, and
opportunities) to further their catechetical skills in a specific age-group via digital classroom.
Adult Formation
Youth Formation (6-12)
Elementary Formation (PreK-5)
Level Three Catechist: A catechist completes a designated number of hours of continuing
education based on tracks of specific topics. Examples include: first sacraments, RCIA, ethics
and morality, etc.
2. How do I register for Pathways: Delivered? Register through your catechetical leader or
teacher. When they register you, you will receive an email from
admin@mycatholicfaithdelivered.com with a log-in (Your email) and a password. You will have
an opportunity to change your password once you log-on.
Please note: Direct any questions to learn@richmonddiocese.org
3. Where do I log in? Log in using our Diocesan LEARN portal: https://learn.richmonddiocese.org
only. Please note that if you log onto the company website, your login will not work.
4. I am unsure of my username, password, or am locked out of my account. Who do I contact?
For all technical support, including password and username retrieval, please contact
Last updated August 12, 2020
5. How long will Pathways: Delivered take to complete? The level one lessons for Pathways:
Delivered are estimated to take 4-5 hours to complete.
6. Once I begin a course, do I need to complete a lesson in one session? Can I stop and restart?
You have the ability to go through the lessons at your own pace. You may stop and restart a
course at any point. Your progress is tracked and saved through the system.
7. How do I take the Spiritual Gifts Inventory? With gratitude to St. Thomas Parish in Wichita,
Kansas, we are able to access the Spiritual Gifts Inventory free of charge for our Pathways:
Delivered Users. To begin, simply scroll down the page and answer the first question: “Please
tell us, are you a parishioner of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church?” You will select “No, I am
not a parishioner.” It will then ask you if you reside outside the diocese, which you will respond
“yes.” Finally, it asks you to type in where you live. You can write “Diocese of Richmond.” From
there, you will begin the actual assessment, and you will receive your results on the webpage
immediately upon the conclusion of the questionnaire. This is a required part of the course.
8. Do I need to take the courses in any particular order? The courses for Pathways: Delivered
make the most sense to take in the following order: Vocation of the Catechist, Catholic
Approach to Scripture, and Catholic Tradition. The content builds in complexity, and its best
understood in this order.
9. Is Pathways: Delivered offered in Spanish? The Office of Ethnic Ministries will be providing
online catechetical formation using the same metrics and platform, launching in late Fall 2020.
10. What is the cost for Pathways: Delivered? The cost of this program is $35 per user, typically
paid by the parish or school. Check with your particular location for instructions on payment.
11. I am not connected to a catechetical program or school, but I am still interested in taking
these courses. What can I do? All are welcome! Please contact learn@richmonddiocese.org to
set up your account.